Thursday, April 9, 2009

Florencia park

To continue the pre-Easter celebration, the Casa Shalom kids were taken today to Florencia Park, a beautiful area where they had lots of room to roam and play! They played kickball and soccer, played on the playground, went on a hike, and some even jumped in the pond! Photo 1: Florencia Park 2: Snack time 3: Alex, Josh, Angel and Tony 4: Jose Ramiro jumping rope 5 and 6: a game where the kids had to try to catch the "tail" (a towel) of the other team 7: Jose Ramiro, Angel, Brandon and Antonio on the see saw 8: Alejandra, Enma and Flora at the pond 9: Jessica with Celia, Ana and Jose Marcelino 10: Duck duck goose Video 1: Marvin jumping rope with the help of director Jorge Mario and his daughter Maria Video 2: Tug of war - Josh and the house dads against the kids!

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