Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday's Featured Child

After information about this Friday's Featured Child, check out some of the recent happenings at Casa Shalom!

This Friday's Featured Child is Alfonso Cox Garcia. Alfonso is 9 years old and in the 3rd grade. Alfonso's previous sponsor was unable to continue sponsoring him, so we are trying to find a new sponsor as for him as quickly as possible! Alfonso is a tenderhearted little boy and loves playing with marbles and racing matchbox cars. He says his favorite subject in school is science and he'd like to be a race car driver when he gets older, but being a teacher could be fun too. Alfonso has two older brothers that also live at Casa Shalom. The boys live at the orphanage because their family had very little money and couldn't afford to even buy food for them. For $30 per month, you can help Casa Shalom provide Alfonso with good food, an education, medicine and doctor's care, clothes, shoes and special trips outside the orphanage. You and Alfonso can exchange letters, emails and photos! If you are interested in becoming Alfonso's sponsor, please contact us at:

Update: A family has come forward to volunteer Alfonso! Watch next Friday for another child that is still waiting for a sponsor.

Now for some updates on the recent goings-on at Casa Shalom:
- Work has started to repair the well once and for all! This involves lowering a man 250 feet down into the well and bringing him up every few minutes because there is very little oxygen at the bottom. Watch for photos soon.

- The panaderia (bakery) has finally been completed and dedicated. The building will soon function to teach the kids a valuable skill for when they leave the orphanage at 18. Watch for photos soon!

- Jessica's parents visited Casa Shalom from Tuesday until today. They were able to bless not only the Casa Shalom kids, but also the kids of San Jose Rio Bravo by bringing a food donation for the breakfast program. Watch for photos soon!

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