Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Look into 2009

Happy New Years! We hope you are spending the holiday with family and friends. We are excited about the start of 2009. Many people are asking us about our plans for the coming year, so we thought we'd share just a bit with you our thoughts and feelings about the upcoming year.

We will be returning to Casa Shalom on January 12th and right away will begin work at Colegio Shalom. Jessica will be teaching English again to all the grades from pre-school through the last year of high school. Josh will have a new position as the discipline coordinator of the school and will be implementing a reorganization plan he created to help improve organization and productivity at the school. He can't wait to use his skills as a teacher to help improve Colegio Shalom!

We are committed to staying in Guatemala until this Spring. As the end of our one-year commitment draws closer, we are fervently praying about our future in Guatemala. We feel the Lord is calling us to continue our work at Casa Shalom and we are praying that He guides our path and opens/closes the right doors. In order to stay at Casa Shalom, the Lord will need to work a miracle and make it financially possible for us to continue our work with the children. We ask that you pray with us regarding our future at Casa Shalom - in a way, we feel like our work there is just starting!

1 comment:

Kirk and Michelle Lightfield said...

Hey Jess and Josh, We certainly will keep you two in our prayers as to what the Lord will do next. I personally feel your work is just beginning at Casa Shalom as well. Now for the Lord to work all the details out for you. He does do things a little slower than normal ;o) but always on time! Take care and we pray a blessed 2009 for the both of you and the children of Casa Shalom. ~michelle~