Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wilson's mother

Today, Casa Shalom had a very special visitor - the mother of Wilson, one of Casa Shalom's kids. Wilson, 11, has lived at Casa Shalom since he was six-years-old. Prior to that, he had lived in jail, where he was born and lived with his mother until he was moved to Casa Shalom. His mother was sentenced on drug charges and was sent to prison when she was pregnant with Wilson - she has not left jail since then. For nearly 8 months she has been requesting permission to visit Wilson, whom she has not seen for years. Today, that wish was granted and she arrived at the orphanage, escorted by 3 guards armed with semi-automatic weapons. She was able to spend several hours with Wilson and get to know his house mother. We took this picture of Wilson's mother and printed a copy for her to take with when she returned to jail.
Please continue to keep Wilson, and all the Casa Shalom kids with such difficult histories, in your prayers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell Wilson we are so very happy he got to have time with his mama and that we can see how much she loves him in the photo. We will add her to our prayers. We are proud of him and his hard work at school and good attitude at home.
With love, Kristi and family