Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome to Walter!

The last of Casa Shalom's new children is Walter, who arrived a few days ago after being released from the hospital. Walter was recently severely burned on the lower half of his body by his stepfather. His wounds are extensive, but we are going to make efforts to get him plastic surgery to repair his skin. Walter, just like the other children who've recently arrived at the orphanage, has experienced trauma that we can't even begin to imagine. But we are believing that God will bring healing to these children and that one day they will have a powerful testimony of how He healed them and is using them to further His kingdom! An update on Walter: What a difference a few days make! We are happy to report that Walter, the little boy who came to the orphanage a few days ago after being severely burned by a family member, is happily and quickly adjusting to life at Casa Shalom. In the photo below, he is on the left in the front row with a smile on his face! Look at the difference between Walter in this photo and his photo taken upon his arrival (Wednesday's post).

Back row, from left: Victor, Juan Jose, Miguel, Omar. Front row, from left: a smiling Walter, Santiago, Alex, Chepe.

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