Friday, April 1, 2011

A new partnership for clean water

Casa Shalom is proud to announce that we have officially partnered with Healing Waters International to help provide pure drinking water for the nearby village, named La Embaulada, which has just over 500 residents. Just like in nearly every part of Guatemala, the water that comes out the faucets in La Embaulada is contaminated with parasites and bacteria, making it unsafe to drink without boiling first.
We are proud to have partnered with Healing Waters International, a Christian organization that works to provide clean, low-cost drinking water in Latin America, along with spreading the healing message of Jesus Christ! We at Casa Shalom will be selling 5-gallon jugs of purified water to the local community for just under $1/each. We pray the Lord blesses this new partnership and enables us to reach many members of La Embaulada! In the photo above, ladies from La Embaulada line up to receive a free 5-gallon jug full of purified water!

Prior to giving away free water, Healing Waters held a short church service for the local children and their mothers.

An interview with a 56-year-old woman who was born in La Embaulada, has lived there her entire life, and has never had regular access to purified water.

Giving away free water to the principal of the village school, for use in the school.

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